Impreza Road Tour 2007




Menu A Tomato Soup Velouté de tomates
Roasted beef with wine sauce
Vegetables / French fries / Salad
Rôti de boeuf "Marchand de vin" Légumes
Frites / Salade
Ice cream with fruits Coupe glacée aux fruits
Menu B Asparagus Soup Crème d'asperges
Salmon filet
"Pilaw" rice
Vegetables / Salad
Filet de saumon
Riz Pilaw
Légumes / Salade
Home made fruit tart Tarte maison aux fruits


Menu C Shrimp puff with aromatic herbes

Feuilleté de scampis aux herbes aromatiques

Porc mignon with mustard sauce and Roquefort dices Mignon de porc sauce moutarde aux dès de Roquefort
Various deserts plate Assiette gourmande
Menu D Meatpie on toast Tranche de pâté sur son toast
Roasted turkey poult stuffed with mushrooms Rôti de dindonneau farci aux champignons
Chocolate profiterol Profiterole au chocolat


Please let us know what menu you and your friends would like to have on the given day in the communication line of your transfer !

Example for three persons participating on both days :

2xA, 1xB, 1xC, 2xD
two taking menu A, one taking menu B on Saturday
one taking menu C, two taking menu D on Sunday

About Road Tour